Guidelines for Giving Appropriate Credit for Alfred Nash Patterson Grants

Congratulations on receiving an Alfred Nash Patterson grant! These grants are awarded by Choral Arts New England from the Alfred Nash Patterson Foundation for the Choral Arts Fund, which is managed by the Boston Foundation.

One of the conditions of your grant is that you give credit to Choral Arts New England on all published materials and announcements regarding your project. Doing so helps support all New England choruses and singers by spreading the word about our activities.

The credit statement should consist of either or both of:

  1. Our logo (see the logo page; we will gladly send you a copy in a suitable image file upon request).
  2. The statement: “Supported in part by an Alfred Nash Patterson Grant from Choral Arts New England.” (If the project is fully funded, "in part" may be omitted.)

Online credit should include a link to the Choral Arts New England web site,

For grant-funded performances, the credit statement should appear prominently in the program book and in all printed and online promotional material for that performance, including advertisements, press releases, fliers, and placards. Note that for the program book credit it is not sufficient to simply include the name of Choral Arts New England in a list of sponsors; the logo and/or wording given above should be used. When written credit is not applicable, such as when there is no printed program, verbal credit should be given before each performance.

For grant-funded projects that are not performances, the credit statement should appear prominently in any related promotional material, including public reports, press releases, and informational material distributed or posted online as part of the project (for example, public solicitations for participation).

In special circumstances we could modify or reduce these specific requirements, consistent with our goal of promoting the choral arts. Please contact us with any questions.