Be A Voice For Voices
As it marks its 40th year of supporting New England choruses, Choral Arts New England is launching a two-year campaign to double its grant-making endowment. Founded in 1980 as the Alfred Nash Patterson Foundation, the organization has built an endowment of more than $300,000; to date, its annual grants program has given more than 260 grants, totaling over $330,000, to support choral singing in the six New England states. Grants have helped create new choruses, reinvigorated long-established choruses, and supported transformative experiences for choral singers, their audiences, and their communities.
While funds available for grants have remained steady for over a decade, both the number of high-quality proposals and the amount requested have more than doubled in that time. The New England choral community has greatly expanded over the decades, and choruses in today’s world—our communities' voices—play a unique role in building community and giving inspiration.
"Today, with a health crisis preventing choruses from gathering as they normally would," says Board Chair Gregory W. Brown, "Choral Arts New England is especially committed to preserving choral voices and to supporting creative responses to the challenges that have arisen. We are already seeing new modes of expression and interpersonal interaction and we look forward to supporting the community as it adapts."
The present campaign is Choral Arts New England’s first major fund-raising effort in some 20 years. Endowment funds are held by the Boston Foundation and are invested with the goal of preservation of principal. Endowment funds are used only for grants; all administrative expenses are paid by Board donors and outside contributors. Thus, a gift to the “A Voice for Voices” campaign will support choral singing year after year for the foreseeable future.
Campaign gifts are welcome at in any amount, and may include pledges paid over time. With a gift of $25,000 or more, donors have the opportunity to name one of Choral Arts New England’s annual grants; other donor benefits are available for that and for smaller donations. All gifts are tax deductible, and all provide an enduring legacy of support for choral music.
Choral Arts New England was formed in 1980 as a memorial to Alfred Nash “Bud” Patterson, an inspiring cultural leader, mentor and model for singers, conductors and composers. Today, Choral Arts New England supports choral singing through Alfred Nash Patterson grants and a Lifetime Achievement Award; an online choral calendar listing all major choral events in New England; a regional directory of choruses; and the sharing of news and information about the choral community through a website and print newsletter.