Chorus Directory
There are 7 choruses listed here from Zip codes 02115 and 06074. You can use the check boxes to limit your search to a specific subset of choruses, for example, adult women's groups.
Dates are when listing was last updated.
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There is a separate list of New England symphonic choruses.
Click to add your chorus.

Chorus Type:
Chorus Name:
- South Windsor Community Chorus Inc. South Windsor, CT 06074 ( 2/6/2012
- Cantata Singers Boston, MA 02115 ( 8/6/2019
- Carduus Boston, MA 02115 ( 9/09/2019
- Longwood Chorus Boston, MA 02115 ( 7/12/2021
- New England Conservatory Concert Choir & Chamber Singers Boston, MA 02115 ( 6/21/2024
- Northeastern University Choral Society Boston, MA 02115 ( 4/2/2010
- Tanglewood Festival Chorus Boston, MA 02115 ( 2/15/2019
Modification date: 21 Jun 2024
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