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Events for Masterworks Chorale

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Auditions are open for Brattleboro Concert Choir, Cantemus Chamber Chorus, Cantilena and Sounds of Stow Chorus & Orchestra. See the auditions page for more information.

iCal 3:00 PM. Masterworks Chorale [MA]: Mozart Credo Mass. W.A. Mozart: Credo Mass, K. 257; Alma Dei creatoris, K. 277; Mozart: Regina coeli, K. 276/321; F.J. Haydn: Te Deum, Hob. XXIIIc:1; Ave regina, Hob. XXIIIb:3. Teresa Wakim, soprano; Emily Marvosh, contralto; Jason McStoots, tenor; Dana Whiteside, baritone. For more information, call 617-858-6782 or email First Church Congregational, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge MA 02138  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Masterworks Chorale [MA]: British works for Chorus and Organ. Morten Lauridsen: Lux Aeterna; Gerald Finzi: God Is Gone Up, Op. 27/2; Herbert Howells: "O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem"; Charles Villiers Stanford: Magnificat (from Service in B-flat, Op. 10); John Rutter: "I Will Lift up Mine Eyes". Heinrich Christensen, organ For more information, call 617-858-6782 or email First Church Congregational, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge MA 02138  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Masterworks Chorale [MA]: Coronation Anthems. G.F. Handel: Coronation Anthems (Zadok the Priest, HWV 258; Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened, HWV 259; The King Shall Rejoice, HWV 260; My Heart Is Inditing, HWV 261); Georg Philipp Telemann: Hamburger Trauermusik, TWV 50:A5. For more information, call 617-858-6782 or email Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA 02138  🔗

iCal 7:30 PM. Masterworks Chorale [MA]: Masterworks Chorale open rehearsal and audition appointments. Masterworks Chorale invites you to join us! We are eager learners who delight in what feels like a voice lesson each and every week. We rehearse Tuesday evenings in Belmont and welcome you to attend our open rehearsal on September 3. Interested singers may audition on the afternoon of Saturday, September 7. For more information, call 617-858-6782 or email Beth El Temple Center, 2 Concord Ave, Belmont MA 02478  🔗

Listing 4 events.

Archived Online Events

  • Bennington County Choral Society [VT]: Magnificat: A Celebration of Praise. Taylor Scott Davis: Magnificat; works by Gjeilo, Biebl, Whitacre and others. Dr. Brian Dukeshier, Artistic Durector; Benjamin April, Assistant Conductor. With the Mount Anthony Union High School Chamber Singers. [12/8/2024] Bennington VT
  • Musica Sacra [MA]: Christmas Double Takes. Settings of classic music for the Christmas season, including settings of Ave Maria, Magnificat, and The Lamb, by Purcell, Howells, and Tavener, as well as Medieval and modern settings of English texts. You can vote on your favorites at a reception will take place after the concert. [12/14/2024] Cambridge MA
  • Wellesley Hills Congregational Church [MA]: Benjamin Britten's SAINT NICOLAS. An enchanting cantata about the life and legends of Nicolas: patron saint of children, seafarers, and travelers. The Hills Church Chancel and Children's Choirs; Michael Calmés, tenor; Dr. William D. Cooper, conductor. With orchestra. The service will be live-streamed (and available later) at Free will offering. Ample adjacent parking. [12/15/2024] Wellesley MA Visit archive