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Events for Connecticut Master Chorale

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iCal 3:00 PM. Connecticut Master Chorale [CT]: Illuminare and Stabat Mater. Elaine Hagenberg: Illuminare; Kim André Arnesen: Stabat Mater. With orchestra. For more information, call 203-775-2602 or email First Congregational Church, 164 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury CT 06810

iCal 3:00 PM. Connecticut Master Chorale [CT]: CT Master Chorale Holiday Prelude Concert. Music for Winter, Advent and Hanukkah, festive, joyous carols, big band, spirituals, gospel and more! A special segment will be "Christmas in South America", with selections from Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. Tina Johns Heidrich, conductor. With the CT Master Chorale Holiday Brass and Joseph Jacovino, keyboards. For more information, call 203-740-9533 or email First Congregational Church, 164 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury CT 06810 (View flier)

Listing 2 events.