Concert Calendar

Events for Acadia Choral Society

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🔆 The summer programs page lists 9 programs (last change 3/31/25).

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Music of the Heart. Inspired by Tiny Love Stories written by chorus members. Tickets: $20, or $45 family tickets are for 3 or more members of the same family. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert Street, Bar Harbor ME 04609 (View flier)  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Music of the Heart. Inspired by Tiny Love Stories written by chorus members. Tickets: $20, or $45 family tickets are for 3 or more members of the same family. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605 (View flier)  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: We Sing the Great Mystery. Settings of O magnum mysterium (O great mystery) from Gregorian chant through the Renaissance up to the 21st century, by Adrian Willaert, Tomás Luis da Victoria, Francis Poulenc, Morten Lauridsen, and Sally Herman. With Christmas carols, some well-known and some not, including works by John Rutter, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Zoltán Kodály, and Elizabeth Poston. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert Street, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: We Sing the Great Mystery. Settings of O magnum mysterium (O great mystery) from Gregorian chant through the Renaissance up to the 21st century, by Adrian Willaert, Tomás Luis da Victoria, Francis Poulenc, Morten Lauridsen, and Sally Herman. With Christmas carols, some well-known and some not, including works by John Rutter, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Zoltán Kodály, and Elizabeth Poston. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: The Sweet and Merry Month. Johannes Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes, opus 52 (in English); Thomas Morley: The Triumphs of Oriana (selections); with music by Gustav Holst. Tickets: $20. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert Street, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: The Sweet and Merry Month. Johannes Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes, opus 52 (in English); Thomas Morley: The Triumphs of Oriana (selections); with music by Gustav Holst. Tickets: $20. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: The Sweet and Merry Month. Johannes Brahms: Liebeslieder Waltzes, opus 52 (in English); Thomas Morley: The Triumphs of Oriana (selections); with music by Gustav Holst. Tickets: $20. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email Elm Street Congregational Church, 31 Elm St, Bucksport ME 04416  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Holiday concert. Benjamin Britten: Ceremony of Carols; Francis Poulenc: Four Motets for the Time of Christmas; Gustav Holst: Christmas Day; John Rutter: Shepherd’s Pipe Carol; Noel Paul Stookey: Cabin Fever Waltz. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email Union Congregational Church, 1368 US-1, Hancock ME 04640  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Holiday concert. Benjamin Britten: Ceremony of Carols; Francis Poulenc: Four Motets for the Time of Christmas; Gustav Holst: Christmas Day; John Rutter: Shepherd’s Pipe Carol; Noel Paul Stookey: Cabin Fever Waltz. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert Street, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Holiday concert. Benjamin Britten: Ceremony of Carols; Francis Poulenc: Four Motets for the Time of Christmas; Gustav Holst: Christmas Day; John Rutter: Shepherd’s Pipe Carol; Noel Paul Stookey: Cabin Fever Waltz. For more information, call 207-288-4884 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert Street, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. Daniel Pinkham: Christmas Cantata; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Mass "Hodie Christus Natus Est"; "Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella", and other holiday selections, and audience sing-along. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email TBA, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. Daniel Pinkham: Christmas Cantata; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Mass "Hodie Christus Natus Est"; "Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella", and other holiday selections, and audience sing-along. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. Daniel Pinkham: Christmas Cantata; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Mass "Hodie Christus Natus Est"; "Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella", and other holiday selections, and audience sing-along. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Spring Concert. Franz Schubert: Mass in G; madrigals and part songs from the Renaissance and the modern era. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Joseph Catholic Church, 231 Main St, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Spring Concert. Franz Schubert: Mass in G; madrigals and part songs from the Renaissance and the modern era. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Spring Concert. Franz Schubert: Mass in G; madrigals and part songs from the Renaissance and the modern era. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D; John Rutter Songs; other holiday songs, and audience sing-along. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D; John Rutter Songs; other holiday songs, and audience sing-along. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D; John Rutter Songs; other holiday songs, and audience sing-along. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Spring Concert. Jacques Arcadelt: "Il bianco e dolce cigno"; J. S. Bach: "Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227"; Samuel Barber: "Sure on this shining night"; D. E. Gawthrop: "Sing Me to Heaven"; Carlo Gesualdo: "O Vos Omnes"; W. A. Mozart: "Laudate Dominum K. 339"; M. Ravel: "Trois Chansons (1914-15)"; J. Rose: "Happiness"; Vaughan Williams: "In Windsor Forest". Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Spring Concert. Jacques Arcadelt: "Il bianco e dolce cigno"; J. S. Bach: "Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227"; Samuel Barber: "Sure on this shining night"; D. E. Gawthrop: "Sing Me to Heaven"; Carlo Gesualdo: "O Vos Omnes"; W. A. Mozart: "Laudate Dominum K. 339"; M. Ravel: "Trois Chansons (1914-15)"; J. Rose: "Happiness"; Vaughan Williams: "In Windsor Forest". Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Spring Concert. Jacques Arcadelt: "Il bianco e dolce cigno"; J. S. Bach: "Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227"; Samuel Barber: "Sure on this shining night"; D. E. Gawthrop: "Sing Me to Heaven"; Carlo Gesualdo: "O Vos Omnes"; W. A. Mozart: "Laudate Dominum K. 339"; M. Ravel: "Trois Chansons (1914-15)"; J. Rose: "Happiness"; Vaughan Williams: "In Windsor Forest". Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. Arvo Pärt: Bogoroditse Djevo; Javier Busto: Ave Maria; Chrysogonus Waddell: Rosa Mystica; John Purifoy: Et in terra pax; Bob Chilcott: Gloria; Dwight Bigler: Villagers All; Eric Whitacre: Glow; Kim Andre Arnesen: Christmas Night; Robert Cormier: Light One Candle; Arr. Matthew Culloton: Still, Still, Still; Adolphe Adam: O Holy Night; John Yane: Here Comes the Light. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. Arvo Pärt: Bogoroditse Djevo; Javier Busto: Ave Maria; Chrysogonus Waddell: Rosa Mystica; John Purifoy: Et in terra pax; Bob Chilcott: Gloria; Dwight Bigler: Villagers All; Eric Whitacre: Glow; Kim Andre Arnesen: Christmas Night; Robert Cormier: Light One Candle; Arr. Matthew Culloton: Still, Still, Still; Adolphe Adam: O Holy Night; John Yane: Here Comes the Light. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Fall Concert. Arvo Pärt: Bogoroditse Djevo; Javier Busto: Ave Maria; Chrysogonus Waddell: Rosa Mystica; John Purifoy: Et in terra pax; Bob Chilcott: Gloria; Dwight Bigler: Villagers All; Eric Whitacre: Glow; Kim Andre Arnesen: Christmas Night; Robert Cormier: Light One Candle; Arr. Matthew Culloton: Still, Still, Still; Adolphe Adam: O Holy Night; John Yane: Here Comes the Light. Tickets: $15 general admission. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Peace and Harmony. Holiday concert. Trotta: A Prayer of Peace; Behold How Good; Gastoldi: “Christ Is Born,” the Choirs Are Singing; In Thee Is Gladness; O Hear the Joyful Singing Washburn: Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming; Ave Maria; Lamb of God; Dona Nobis Pacem; Houston: Stars I Shall Find (Teasdale); Snyder: Snow; Calkin/O’Connell: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day; Dake: I Come with Joy; Carnahan: Yonder Come Day; Carnahan: Hark! I Hear the Harps Resounding; Courtney: A Musicological Journey Through the 12 Days of Christmas. With a carol sing-along. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 175 Douglas Hwy, Ellsworth ME 04605  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Peace and Harmony. Holiday concert. Trotta: A Prayer of Peace; Behold How Good; Gastoldi: “Christ Is Born,” the Choirs Are Singing; In Thee Is Gladness; O Hear the Joyful Singing Washburn: Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming; Ave Maria; Lamb of God; Dona Nobis Pacem; Houston: Stars I Shall Find (Teasdale); Snyder: Snow; Calkin/O’Connell: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day; Dake: I Come with Joy; Carnahan: Yonder Come Day; Carnahan: Hark! I Hear the Harps Resounding; Courtney: A Musicological Journey Through the 12 Days of Christmas. With a carol sing-along. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Peace and Harmony. Holiday concert. Trotta: A Prayer of Peace; Behold How Good; Gastoldi: “Christ Is Born,” the Choirs Are Singing; In Thee Is Gladness; O Hear the Joyful Singing Washburn: Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming; Ave Maria; Lamb of God; Dona Nobis Pacem; Houston: Stars I Shall Find (Teasdale); Snyder: Snow; Calkin/O’Connell: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day; Dake: I Come with Joy; Carnahan: Yonder Come Day; Carnahan: Hark! I Hear the Harps Resounding; Courtney: A Musicological Journey Through the 12 Days of Christmas. With a carol sing-along. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Saints and Angels of Christmas. Holiday concert. Chilcott: The Beatitudes; J. Willcocks: Gloria; "Angel Carol"; Anglea: "Angels We Have Heard on High"; Arcadelt: Ave Maria; Mozart: Regina coeli; DeCesare: Great St. Joseph, Son of David; Harmon: "Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine"; Brandon: "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"; J. Willcocks: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". With a carol sing-along. Featuring Katelyn Parker Bray, soprano; Isaac Bray, baritone; David Woolsey, oboe. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Saints and Angels of Christmas. Holiday concert. Chilcott: The Beatitudes; J. Willcocks: Gloria; "Angel Carol"; Anglea: "Angels We Have Heard on High"; Arcadelt: Ave Maria; Mozart: Regina coeli; DeCesare: Great St. Joseph, Son of David; Harmon: "Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine"; Brandon: "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"; J. Willcocks: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". With a carol sing-along. Featuring Katelyn Parker Bray, soprano; Isaac Bray, baritone; David Woolsey, oboe. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609

iCal 3:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Heaven Comes Down To Earth. Holiday concert. G. Martin: Heaven on Earth; F. Mendelssohn: Vom Himmel hoch; Philip Kern: Angels in Seven (based on carol by Mendelssohn); G. Walker: And Joyful Be; works by Bailey, Fettke, Gilpin, Lantz. With a consort of early instruments and guest soloists. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: Heaven Comes Down To Earth. Holiday concert. G. Martin: Heaven on Earth; F. Mendelssohn: Vom Himmel hoch; Philip Kern: Angels in Seven (based on carol by Mendelssohn); G. Walker: And Joyful Be; works by Bailey, Fettke, Gilpin, Lantz. With a consort of early instruments and guest soloists. For more information, call 207-610-0600 or email St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609

iCal 5:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: A Celebration of International Carols. Including carols from or about Germany/Austria, Poland, France, Russia, Mexico, The Philipines, the Caribbean, Africa, and Appalachia, with other music. For more information, call 207-610-0600. St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609

iCal 7:00 PM. Acadia Choral Society [ME]: A Celebration of International Carols. Including carols from or about Germany/Austria, Poland, France, Russia, Mexico, The Philipines, the Caribbean, Africa, and Appalachia, with other music. For more information, call 207-610-0600. St. Saviour's Church, 41 Mt Desert St, Bar Harbor ME 04609

Listing 34 events.

Archived Online Events

  • Musica Sacra [MA]: How To Go On. Dale Trumbore: How to Go On (texts by Barbara Crooker, Laura Foley, and Amy Fleury); Claudio Monteverdi: Lamento della Ninfa; Johannes Brahms: Schicksalslied. Trumbore's work is a modern day secular requiem, an exploration of love and grief. Elizabeth Eschen Cacciola, guest conductor. [3/8/2025] Cambridge MA
  • The Spectrum Singers [MA]: Requiem for the Living. Dan Forrest: "Requiem for the Living"; with works by Wood, Elgar, Reger, Boulanger, Hagenberg and Cho, all focusing on the theme of light as a symbol of hope, both a cappella and accompanied by piano or instrumental ensemble. Katherine Chan, Guest Conductor. [3/15/2025] Cambridge MA