Concert Calendar

Events for Cappella Cantorum Masterworks Chorus

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🔆 The summer programs page lists 25 programs (last change 8/2/24).


Auditions are open for The A Cappella Singers, Brattleboro Camerata, Brattleboro Concert Choir, Cantemus Chamber Chorus, Cantilena, Concord Chorus, GMChorale, Masterworks Chorale, New Haven Oratorio Choir, Pilgrim Festival Chorus, Rockingham Choral Society, Sheepscot Chorus, Spectrum Singers and St. Cecilia Chamber Choir. See the auditions page for more information.

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum Masterworks Chorus [CT]: Spring concert. Karl Jenkins: The Peacemakers (setting words of peace from Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, along with other inspirational quotations of Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer, Anne Frank and the Dalai Lama). Lisa Williamson, soprano; Simon Holt, Music Director. With the Select Singers choir from Lyme-Old Lyme High School. For more information, call 860-532-0454 or email First Church of Christ Congregational, 366 Main Street, Old Saybrook CT 06475

iCal 1:30 PM. Cappella Cantorum Masterworks Chorus [CT]: Annual Messiah Sing/Listen. Rehearsal for singers starts 1:30; performance starts 2:00 pm. For more information, call 860-532-0454 or email Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St, Old Saybrook CT 06475

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum Masterworks Chorus [CT]: Winter concert. John Rutter: Magnificat; Robert Shaw (arr.): The Many Moods of Christmas. Abigail Paschke, soprano. For more information, call 860-532-0454 or email Valley Regional High School, 256 Kelsey Hill Road, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum Masterworks Chorus [CT]: Winter Concert. Antonio Vivaldi: Gloria; Morten Lauridsen: O Magnum Mysterium; Ralph Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on Christmas Carols; Hugh Martin & Ralph Blane: "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"; and other holiday music. With orchestra. Tickets: $30 adults ($35 at the door), $15 students. For more information, call 860-532-0454 or email John Winthrop Middle School Auditorium, One Winthrop Road, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum [CT]: Hallelujah! G.F. Handel: Messiah, Part One, and the "Hallelujah" Chorus. Simon Holt, conductor. Tickets: $25 until November 28, $30 thereafter. For more information, call 860-941-8243 or email First Church of Christ Congregational 366 Main St., Old Saybrook CT 06475

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus [CT]: 50th Anniversary concert. Gioachino Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle. For more information, call 860-526-1038 or email John Winthrop Middle School: Cafeteria, One Winthrop Road, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus [CT]: 50th Anniversary concert. Gioachino Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle. For more information, call 860-526-1038 or email John Winthrop Middle School: Cafeteria, One Winthrop Road, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus [CT]: Mozart Requiem. W.A. Mozart: Requiem; Regina Coeli (K.276). Patricia Schuman, soprano; Heather Petrie, contralto; Brian Cheney, tenor; Christopher Grundy, baritone; Chamber orchestra. For more information, call 860-577-2950 or email John Winthrop Middle School, 1 John Winthrop Jr High School Dr, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus [CT]: Mozart Celebration. W.A. Mozart: Requiem; Regina cieli; Ave verum. Patricia Schuman, soprano; Heather Petrie, alto; Daniel Juarez, tenor; Christopher Grundy, baritone; professional orchestra. Tickets $30. Reception following. For more information, call 860-388-2871 or email John Winthrop Middle School, 1 Winthrop Rd, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 3:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus [CT]: Holiday Festival with Chorus & Brass. R. Douglas Helvering: Rejoice! Our Savior is Born!; John Rutter: Gloria; Daniel Pinkham: Christmas Cantata; David Willcocks: Five Christmas Carols; Julius Chajes: Song of Galilee; Max Janowski: Avinu Malkeinu; Baruch J. Cohen: Hanerot Halalu; Francis Poulenc: Hodie Christus natus est; Morten Lauridsen: O Magnum Mysterium; Nicholas Vangeloff: "Go Tell It on the Mountain". For more information, call 860-577-2950 or email John Winthrop Middle School, 1 John Winthrop Jr High School Dr, Deep River CT 06417

iCal 7:00 PM. Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus [CT]: Join Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus: Registration/Rehearsal. Discover Cappella Cantorum MasterWorks Chorus by attending the non-auditioned Registration/Rehearsal i preparation for the December 6 concert, "A Joyful Holiday Festival with Chorus and Brass." Rehearsals are Monday nights. The concert will feature Rutter’s “Gloria,” Pinkham’s “Christmas Cantata,” Willcocks arr of “5 Christmas Carols,” 3 Jewish Selections, Song of Galilee, Hanerot Halalu, and an auditioned ensemble singing a cappella Poulenc’s “Hodie Christus natus est,” Lauridsen's, “O Magnum Mysterium,”and Vangeloff’s, Go Tell it on the Mt.” For more information, call 860-577-2950 or email St. Paul Lutheran Church (use rear entrance), 56 Great Hammock Rd., Old Saybrook CT 06475

Listing 11 events.