Northeast Men's Summer Chorus
Participants will be coming from at least six states to gather for a singing vacation. The Chorus will present three evening concerts. Days will be spent with family and friends exploring the lovely New England countryside.
Audition not required. The Chorus performs 14-16 pieces from the Romantic period to modern – classical to doo-wop – and including spirituals, folk, patriotic, musical theater, and the American Songbook.
In 2024, the Chorus will present three free concerts:
- August 7, 7 p.m., West Brattleboro, Vermont
- August 8, 7 p.m., Walpole, New Hampshire
- August 9, 7 p.m., Grafton, Vermont
The Chorus performs 14-16 pieces from the Romantic period to modern — classical to doo-wop — and including spirituals, folk, patriotic, musical theater, and the American Songbook.
Rehearsals are scheduled from 1-5 pm on August 7 and 3:30-5 pm on August 8.
Singers receive music about a month before the first concert in the form of audio (MP3) files and PDFs. The MP3 files will be customized for each voice part. Singers who want to study the music in advance can view the PDFs (sheet music) on their monitors to use in conjunction with the MP3s. In addition, a binder with sheet music will be given to each member at the rehearsal before the first performance.
$30: includes MP3 and PDF files and sheet music, as well as a concert CD or MP3 files. Binders are distributed but must be returned after the final performance so that they may be reused the following year.
Singers are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. A list of nearby accommodations is available on request, and it is likely that a discounted rate will be offered by at least one lodging.