Encore Choral Retreat
Encore is a choral rehearsal and concert weekend dedicated tocommunity building for singers of all experience levels; summer choir for grades 4–7 and choral intensive for grades 8–12 and 2025 seniors. No auditions are required.
SSCC trains students to develop self-confidence through the medium of vocal music, learn musicianship skills, and solidify healthy vocal technique.
Choristers graduate from Choir levels appreciating the warm and loving community cultivated in choir participation, as independent singers confident with the sound of their own voice, and the ability to follow music well. The ensemble performs at annual SSCC performances and community performances throughout the season.
Choirs meet at least once a week at various locations in the South Shore. Singers are required to attend weekly rehearsals, as well as one All-Together rehearsal per month on Sunday afternoons at the Quincy Campus, combining all campuses.