CANE Newsletter: February 2021

CANE February 2021 Newsletter heading

Project Grant Deadline Approaching

CANE is still accepting project grants due on February 28.  There are some special criteria in this unusual year encouraging immediate artistic responses to this moment in history. For more information click here.

Emergency Grant Success Story

“The Journey Song Singers of New Hampshire wish to thank CANE for providing a grant of $500 to enable us to continue and expand our hospice bedside singing work during the pandemic. We leveraged our grant and were able to deliver more than 27 CD players to 14 different facilities where residents can now enjoy music from Journey Song's Spring 2020 CD. The CANE grant created the impetus for this wonderful community involvement. We are grateful for this support which has allowed us to bring musical enjoyment and comfort to so many residents in facilities which are necessarily isolated due to COVID 19.”

- BJ Lates, President , Journey Song

Friend of A Voice for Voices Campaign

We've all been doing our best to keep in touch during this time of forced distancing. CANE is becoming somewhat more hopeful about getting back to music-making, perhaps even next year. We checked in with longtime friend Richard Coffey for some thoughts about what rehearsing and performing mean to him, and what he looks forward to when we return to the stage.  Here are some highlights of his response:

Why Do We Perform?

  • Be enriched by engagement with texts and music of minds and talents perhaps greater than our own.
  • Experience the “Ah Ha” moments of discovering the beauty or purpose of a rhythmic sequence, a chord progression, or even a single note!
  • Discern, “Oh, that is what these words are about!”
  • Experience the inexplicable and ineffable frisson that can overtake us during the first pass at an inspired and ingenious musical moment.
  • Be a part of revealing the gift and message of writers and composers of the ages, including those of our own time.
  • Thank you, Rick! We can't wait to come together again. We suspect one of the "Ah ha!" moments will be realizing how much we've missed one another. For his full response, including the other half of the experience: "What do we rehearse?" go to our Facebook link.

You can help us support choirs as they begin to regroup by donating here.

Effective date: 
Monday, February 1, 2021