The Keene Chorale

Effective date for entry: 3/25/2025

Contact information

Mailing address:P.O. Box 250
Keene, NH 03431
Web address:


The Keene Chorale is a non-auditioned chorus of mixed voices open to adults of all singing and music reading abilities. We rehearse each Tuesday from September through May and present two concerts a year.

Our singers live and work in Keene, the surrounding Monadnock, Massachusetts, and Vermont regions, and come from all walks of life, including local high school and college singers. Some of us have sung with select choirs around the world; others have their first choral experience when they become members.

Affiliation(s):Monadnock Choral Arts Alliance
Music Director:Jonathan Colby
Year founded:1979
Number of Singers:80
Voice parts:Adults, mixed

  • No auditions required
  • Dues required

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Last updated: 2025-03-25 12:02:14

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