Statistics and other Information from the Chorus Calendar
The Choral Arts New England calendar is a great resource if you'd like to learn about patterns and statistics — and if you're interested in learning if a particular work has been sung (much), or what your favorite soloist is doing. If you're scheduling a season and want to find a relatively quiet time, you can review the history of performances in your area with the charts.
Charting Events
You can see a "live" chart of the number of calendar events per week by going to The chart can be adjusted by changing the web address (URL):
Limit the chart to a certain state or states by putting one or more of the two-letter abbreviations for those states (CT, MA,ME, NH, RI, VT) - for example, to include only Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire, use analytics/Calendar/CTRINH.
Limit to a certain distance from a city or town by adding that town's state and city - for example, analytics/Calendar/MA/Boston for only events in Boston, or analytics/Calendar/CT/Hartford/25 selects only events within 25 miles of Hartford.
- Limit to a date range by adding those start and end dates, separated by a slash - for example, select only January and February of 2018 with analytics/Calendar/2018-01-01/2018-02-28.
Shown below is a chart of the full 2017–2018 season (September 2017 through June 2018) as of mid-April 2018. Click on the chart to see a full PDF version. It's pretty clear the Christmas is the peak season for choral performances (there were 71 performances in New England for the week of December 10), and there is another peak in late April/early May.
The regular calendar page,, has many search options. Click on the "Filter and Search" link at the top to show them, and click on the circled "i" at the end of the line of links to bring up a page with some instructions. In particular, you can use the search box to look for the titles of choral works, the names of soloists or accompanists, or other informaion of interest. Select the dates at the top of the search area to be sure your search covers the time you're interested in (back to 2012).
You cam also search from the main site search button, The ordinary search just looks at the contents of web pages on the site, but there are also options to search the Events calendar and the Chorus directory.