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Events for Amare Cantare

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iCal 7:30 PM. Amare Cantare [NH]: Hodie. Unaccompanied choral music for the holidays, including settings by Sweelinck, Palestrina, Nanino, and LaCour of the Christmas text Hodie Christus natus est; Anton Bruckner: Christus factus est; Virga Jesse; Morten Lauridsen: O nata lux; Healey Willan: “The Three Kings”; Benjamin Britten (arr.): “The Holly and the Ivy”; Matthew Cullton: “Gabriel’s Message”; John Rutter (arr.): “Deck the Hall” for women’s voices. Tickets: $18. For more information, call 603-365-6727 or email Middle Street Baptist Church, 18 Court Street, Portsmouth NH 03801  🔗

iCal 3:00 PM. Amare Cantare [NH]: Hodie. Unaccompanied choral music for the holidays, including settings by Sweelinck, Palestrina, Nanino, and LaCour of the Christmas text Hodie Christus natus est; Anton Bruckner: Christus factus est; Virga Jesse; Morten Lauridsen: O nata lux; Healey Willan: “The Three Kings”; Benjamin Britten (arr.): “The Holly and the Ivy”; Matthew Cullton: “Gabriel’s Message”; John Rutter (arr.): “Deck the Hall” for women’s voices. Tickets: $18. For more information, call 603-365-6727 or email Oyster River Middle School Concert Hall, 1 Coe Drive, Durham NH 03824  🔗

iCal 7:30 PM. Amare Cantare [NH]: Hodie. Unaccompanied choral music for the holidays, including settings by Sweelinck, Palestrina, Nanino, and LaCour of the Christmas text Hodie Christus natus est; Anton Bruckner: Christus factus est; Virga Jesse; Morten Lauridsen: O nata lux; Healey Willan: “The Three Kings”; Benjamin Britten (arr.): “The Holly and the Ivy”; Matthew Cullton: “Gabriel’s Message”; John Rutter (arr.): “Deck the Hall” for women’s voices. Tickets: $18. For more information, call 603-365-6727 or email Christ Church, 43 Pine Street, Exeter NH 03833  🔗

Listing 3 events.