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Events for Newburyport Choral Society

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iCal 2:30 PM. Newburyport Choral Society [MA]: Luminous Night. The program includes a contemporary Norwegian piece on the beauty and mystery of a winter night, Christmas carols arranged with rich textures by Alice Parker, Norman Dello Joio's "A Jubilant Song", and Latin American, Chanuka, and seasonal favorites. For more information, call 978-462-0650 or email Rupert A. Nock Middle School, 70 Low Street, Newburyport MA 01950  🔗

iCal 7:30 PM. Newburyport Choral Society [MA]: Luminous Night. The program includes a contemporary Norwegian piece on the beauty and mystery of a winter night, Christmas carols arranged with rich textures by Alice Parker, Norman Dello Joio's "A Jubilant Song", and Latin American, Chanuka, and seasonal favorites. For more information, call 978-462-0650 or email Rupert A. Nock Middle School, 70 Low Street, Newburyport MA 01950  🔗

Listing 2 events.